Wednesday, 22 October 2014

Nail Polish Obsession Tag

I realized I never did a tag before and felt like it was about time to do so! So here it is: the Nail Polish Obsession Tag. I saw this one on a couple of blogs, posts varying between 2012 and 2014, and I have no idea who started it... Anyway, here are my answers, accompanied by a lot of pictures!

1. What's your favorite nail polish company?
Just the first question and it's already so hard! When I look at my stash I have to admit that I really like budget-friendly companies Catrice and Essence (both owned by Cosnova). As for the quality of their nail polishes, Barry M has not let me down so far (I own four Barry M's). I really love my OPI's as well but I never actually bought one myself... I got all of them as gifts, and all but one were given to me by my boyfriend or won by him in a radio competition. 

My favourite OPI: Jinx

Essence L.O.L - I love how Essence always sells pretty odd shades

Catrice Mint me up

Barry M Ridley Road
2. Glitter or no glitter?
Glitter! Although I did not blog about a lot of glittery polishes I do own some great ones, including OPI Rainbow Connection

W7 Cosmic Purple

Catrice Steel My Soul and W7 Moonlight
Ciaté funhouse

3. OPI, China Glaze, or Essie?
To my great regret I do not own any China Glaze polish. The only way to get them here in the Netherlands is by ordering them online and somehow I just never ordered any CG! If I have to choose between Essie and OPI i'll go with OPI because OPI's finishes are more interesting to me. Essie seems like a more sympathetic brand though.

German-icure by OPI

Essie Cute as a Button

OPI You only live twice

Essie Turquoise and Caicos

OPI - The man with the golden gun

4. When do you change your nail polish?
I change my nail polish when I feel like it does not look pretty anymore. This is usually after 3 to 4 days, so I change my nail polish about twice a week.

5. What's your favorite color on your nails? 
I prefer anything that is unordinary. I like to wear colours that you don't really see in the day to day life, or colours that simply pop! These are mostly greens and blues, but lately I've also been into pinks a lot. OPI Jinx is my all time favourite, even though it's not green, blue or pink :).
A lovely green: MAX Apple Green

Sweet pink: Essence Mashed Berries
A glow in the dark polish from Born Pretty Store
Catrice All I Can Blue

6. Darks or brights?
Brights. I think you could have guessed by now!
Super bright Primark neons
7. What are you wearing on your nails right this moment? 
Ciaté funhouse!

8. Matte nails... in or out? 
In. I don't wear them much but I love to look at white, matte manicures with nail art.

9. Do you like french manicures?
Not really. I think they look tacky most of the time, or just very... unnatural. Sometimes I do like to wear a very nude, sheer shade that will give my nails a french manicure appearance. I have very white tips so that works quite well :D

My nails back in 2012 - without any polish

10. What's your favorite winter color? 
I'm going to get back to this question when it's winter! Right now I don't have an answer.

So that was the Nail Polish Obsession Tag! I really liked doing this because it made me realize how many lovely polish I own! :)

If you do the tag as well please comment - I'd love to read your answers!