Sunday, 2 November 2014

October favourite

October is over and we're in November now! Surprisingly enough, the weather keeps getting better here in Amsterdam. I'm afraid that in a week or so we'll suddenly enter a month filled with rain...

I want to share my favourite manicure of October and I invite you all to share yours! :)

My favourite manicure is this one. No nail art, just Ciaté Funhouse. Wearing this nail polish I couldn't stop staring at my nails. I was constantly tilting them towards and away from the light and kept on wiggling my fingers. When you can't stop staring you just know it's a good polish! :)

You can find more pictures of this polish in my blogpost here.

I would love to see your favourite manicures!

Share your October favourite by clicking on 'Add your link'. You can upload an image on your computer or link to a blog post.

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.