Sunday, 23 November 2014

Review: Born Pretty Store 'Britsh retro' water decals

Hello there everyone! A friendly guy from Born Pretty Store send me an e-mail and offered me to choose something from the hot specials page. I cannot begin to explain how excited I was. I think BPS gives out free samples to about 80 percent of the blogs I read but hey, I still felt pretty special!

I chose these 'British Retro Style Chair Flower Design Print Nail Art Water Decals' (what a name) in the style 'BOP/163'.

First impression
There are 34 decals on this sheet of which I used 10. Some are really big, but most are of a smaller size. There are guitars, umbrella's, elegant ladies and, how brilliant: toasters! I cannot believe how detailed these decals are. On top of the toasters there's even an extra image of a family sitting at a table.

Here's the sheet after I put on the decals...

And here are my nails!

Right hand

Left hand

At first I was a bit scared about applying these decals because I once tried full nail decals and that was a total disaster. Fortunately, these decals are very easy to apply! I soaked them in water for about ten seconds using tweezers. Then I could simply slide them of the back of the sheet and stick them onto my nails. I used a paper towel to soak up most of the water and when the nails had dried I applied my top coat. 

Removing these decals is just as easy; they easily dissolve in nail polish remover.

Left hand

Right hand

Here's two pictures including my thumbs:

Right hand

Left hand

I absolutely adore these decals. They are so cute! Look at how well they match my kitschy teacups (I have sort of a collection of those)!

Here's the nail polishes I used, relaxing in one of my lovely teacups. These are Zoya Jacqueline and Sally Hansen First kiss. I used INM Out the door as my top coat.

TL;DR: I really like these decals. They are easy to apply, very detailed, and budget-proof. You pay $2,16 (about €1,72) for 34 decals.

Direct link to the decals: -> VOILA <-

As a visitor of L'Ongleterre you get 10% discount if you use the coupon code ONGK31 when you order.

Did you ever try using water decals? How do you like these British ones?